The captain’s cabin from Mass Effect 2 is where I’m getting
my main inspiration for the room I will make. I’m going to use the colours
grey, silver and black for the walls and floor of my room.
Characters: Shepard, Garrus, Wrex and Liara
Garrus is similar to Shepard
but it will be a lot more difficult so this one isn’t for definite but if I was
to make him I would use this picture for guidelines, I will even try to include
the details like the scratches in the armour.
Wrex will be bigger and
wider than Garrus and Shepard but the power armour is quite similar in terms of
Liara will be a lot thinner
than Shepard, Garrus and Wrex. Making her womanly physique will take more
Props; Space glasses, shisha pipe, bed, speakers, seat, mass
effect laptop
Space glasses
These will be left on the
floor and in the hands of the characters in the room.
Shisha pipe
I may make multiple of these
for my room. This is the seat from the captain’s cabin in Mass Effect. This
will also be half of an average human size and I will use this image as a
guideline for my pixel art seat.
Mass Effect laptop
I’m going to include
speakers next to the laptop.
The design of the room
of timetabling
Day 1 01/10/2012,
9:30 – 12:00
Today we individually brainstormed ideas for the rooms we
would be making. Beth told us we each had to make 10 ideas ourselves and then
discuss them with the rest of the group. When we finished and discussed the
idea with the rest of the group and it seemed that a lot of us had similar
ideas which shows we’re all on the same track. We also shared some ideas with
Beth and she gave feedback on these ideas we shared, she then assigned us to do
10 themes of what the rooms could be and with that we correlated the ideas and
themes together in to a mindmap. We then got told to mindmap those themes and
see if we can do anymore correlating.
12:00 – 14:20
We came together to choose what idea we were going to choose
and after a long enough discussion we decided to do college dorms for game
characters. So this is consisted of a hall and 6 rooms, each consisting of an
area from each game, the characters are students studying to become the gaming
icon heroes they’re destined to be. The first room will belong to Chris Coghlan
who will be making a pokemon room with pok fights, similar to cock fights but
with pokemon. Callum will be doing Skyrim with dovahkin with mead in tankards
and meat. I will be doing John Shephard with space beer, ME computers, N7 armor
bottles, Liara and Wrex with a bong. Joshua will be doing a room for big daddy
with old jukeboxes. Jamie will be doing Halo with Chief and Cortana. Hamam will
be doing Castlevania themed room. We are now mindmapping the contents of the
rooms we will be making. We have also come to the conclusion that the target
audience is 18-26, generally university students that do gaming.
Day 2 08/10/2012
09:40 – 13:00
At this point we have laid out what needs to be done by the
end of the day and how we will approach finishing these objectives. Chris and
Jamie have been assigned the design of the timetable in the form of a gantt
chart. Hamam is designing the basic concept of the college dorms; this is going
to be presented to Beth. Callum is typing up the proposal to present to Beth.
Josh is researching abnd moodboarding pixel art that is in relation to games.
Another idea was spurred from Callum that we should make optional back up plans
for our rooms so nobody is stuck to doing that one room and they don’t have the
same idea as someone else if they decide to change their mind. I’ve decided I’m
going to make progress on the pitch of our project. We also decided that we
need to make a list of props that will be in our room when we’ve finished with
our objectives, and do a little research on them.
13:00 – 16:15
We discussed the sizes in terms of pixels and the average
human height of each pixel art character will be 50 pixels, with the average of
width being 25-30. Some of us are going to start experimenting with the pixel
art techniques and some of us are writing up documents about our props and how
we’re going to make them.
Day 3 15/10/2012
9:20 -09:50
This meeting that had taken place ultimately discussed what
had to be finished by the end of today and who would do it. The first thing
discussed was the individual research on what we’re going to include in our
room, some of us have and some of us haven’t completed so the ones who haven’t
completed it, this is their current priority. Personally I’ve completed the
individual room research so I’m going to move on to talking about the target
audience. Joshua has finished techniques for pixel art which we are going to
include in our presentation pitch, displaying how we plan on doing our pixel
art. Another thing we will need included in the presentation is the constraints
that may hold us back; Jamie is going to an analysis on the plans. Callum is
going to create a blog so we can put work on there when we’re not in college;
he’s also going to add extra to his current proposal. I’m going to begin production
on the presentation after I’ve analysed the target audience. Once we’ve all
done our objectives we can fully present our pitch and then we can adapt off
feedback and then we can finalise our idea. Chris has now created the blog.
Day 4 22/10/2012
9:00 – 09:15
Basically we’re just finishing off all our research so we
can piece it all together to use it in a presentation used for the pitch. We’re
just waiting on Jamie to complete constraints and then we shall be all good to
put together out presentation. In the meantime we’re going to put together all
we can with people who have completed their work. Chris is going to complete a
report on our resources and materials available which was supposed to be done
with the rest of learning outcome 1 but it’s something to complete while
awaiting the work from Jamie.
Hamam has now completed the template for the college dorms.
Day 5 05/11/2012
9:00 – 09:55
The people present for the first meeting were Chris, Leo,
Callum, Hamam and Jamie, we had Josh missing. We’ve decided for ease of access
for everyone we’re going to put all our work on a blog so we can all access it
whenever we’re not on our college
computers and we can access each other’s work if need be. We definitely need to
collaborate for our presentation, this is long overdue but it has been
discussed with Beth also that both groups could do their presentation on the
same day for the sake of less pressure and so our audience doesn’t have to
watch two separate presentations on two separate occasions. Another individual
task is we’re arranging all of our folders so we can put all our work there
easy and so Beth can assess our work a lot easier.
1:00 – 01:15
Well now we’ve put the presentation as our priority at the
moment, we’re going to start typing up wing to say.
Day 6 12/11/2012
9:00 – 9:40
Today everybody was attending besides Joshua Brophy and
Callum was our team leader. We discussed the final stages for our presentation,
we all had our presentation slides completed so all we had to do was compile
them together so it was a complete presentation and we could rehearse. So now
we’ve managed to complete our presentation with the exception of Joshua Brophy
due to his absence we have to decide if we’ll do it without him or not.
Day 7 19/11/2012
9:00 – 9:50
Today is the day of our presentation and Hamam and Joshua
are missing so we are going to have to speak on their behalf for their
presentation. Today was Jamie’s job at leading and he’s told us to organize
ourselves for our presentation. We’ve also got to prepare for feedback that
will be given to us so we can adjust to this feedback and suggestions as part
of one of our learning outcomes. After our presentation is done all we have
left to do is to blitz production of our pixel room.
Day 8 26/11/2012
9:00 – 9:20
Today there wasn’t much to discuss at all besides that
everything else has been complete, all we have to complete is the production of
our rooms. The people who were present were Leo, Chris Coghlan, Jamie Ashall,
Hamam and Callum Nuttall; the only person not here is Joshua Brophy again.
Target Audience
I’m going to look at what the age ratings of the games are because they’re all
different types of games aged at different age groups yet they still can be
considered aimed at students.
Pokemon – 3+
Assassins Creed – 15+
Skyrim – 15+
Street Fighter – 12+
Halo – 15+
Mass Effect – 15+
none of the age ratings are 18+; this changes our original predicted target
audience from 18-26 year olds to 15-26. Mainly however our target audience is
university students because of the halls. The essence is that they’re supposed
to see the correlation between the pixel arts presenting the iconic game heroes
in their dorms to the dorms of the students themselves, as if these iconic game
heroes actually did tend a university to become what they are. It is also aimed
at gamers alike however because these games characters are big ones that any
regular gamer could recognise.